Names of Departments and their Managers
Posters presenting scientific achievements of departments
Department 1 Fine organic synthesis д.х.н. І. І. Герус

Department 2 Chemistry of bioactive nitrogen-containing heterocyclic bases чл.-кор. НАН України В.С. Броварець
Department 3 Mechanisms of bioorganic reactions чл.-кор. НАН України А.І.Вовк

Department 4 Chemistry of natural compounds Dr. Chem. Sci. O.B.Smolii

Department 8 Organic and petrochemical synthesis Cand. Chem. Sci. V.О. Yevdokymenko
Department 10 Catalytic synthesis Dr. Chem. Sci. L.K.Patrylyak
Department 16 chemistry of functional materials Dr. Chem. Sci., Prof. A.A.Pud

Department 24 scientific-organizational work and intellectual property к.х.н. С.В.Попільніченко